ISTE Standards for Educators
This portal enables teachers to reflect on their teaching practice in relation to the ISTE Standards for Educators. Based on your reflection, the system recommends high-quality professional learning resources personalized to individual needs and strengths. The vetting of supporting learning resources is led by ISTE and its alignment partners. Click on any Standard to continue.
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All answers and results are confidential.

This portal can be customized for your district or state to:
  1. Clarify which teacher needs what kind of professional learning
  2. Take advantage of existing resoures and material
  3. Add your own resources, coaching, PLCs and mentors
  4. Focus professional learning on every teacher's priorities, at scale
  5. Recognize learning with badges and Continuing Education Units
  6. Use data to inform the quality and impact of professional learning.

The development of the ISTE Standards for Educators and the vetting of supporting learning resources is led by ISTE and its alignment partners. The professional learning portal itself is powered by 2gnoMe.